Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Fairy Wand Soap!

I am so excited about our new fairy wand soaps! Star shaped soaps, lightly scented with a touch of summer scent, and a sprinkle of glitter make these soaps magical. Wrapped with a pretty little tag and a pink curly ribbon, great for little fairies and secret inner little fairies!
These will be available on our website in a day or two!

Monday, May 25, 2009

New Artist at Summit Soapworks!

Happy Memorial Day!

We're enjoying this beautiful day and welcoming
new artist Robin LaHue from Northfield Falls, VT to our shop!
Robin is a fantastic oil painting artist - check out her etsy shop at

Monday, May 18, 2009

Time zone, climate shock & me

Well, I wouldn't think that a 3 hour time zone change & temps that were at least 50 degrees more everyday would kick my butt but it sure did! I'm still recovering from my trip, I hope to be back on EST tomorrow and I've been a little chilly with the temps in the 60's. In Vermont those temps usually call for shorts and sandals, I once tubed down our local river in a bathing suit before Memorial Day weekend (not one of my brighter days but since it involved one of my best friends, Megan, then it surely involved alcohol!). But after spending 10 days in Palm Springs, CA where it was over 100 degrees (YACK!) everyday, I found it necessary to bundle up all day at home in Vermont. Oh, and I now know that palm trees don't grow coconuts, all of my new west coast friends are still laughing about that one!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here in Sunny CA!

I've been spending the week in sunny Palm Springs, CA at the annual Handcrafted Soapmaker's Guild with over 200 other soap junkies! I'll post pics when I return. It's been a fantastic conference, talking soap from dawn to dusk and Erin Brokovich was our keynote speaker providing a great message about "stick-to-it" which was appropriate in these economic times.

My first day I listened to Erin Brokovich (and by the way, ONLY Julia Roberts could have played her), Donna Maria who of course was just awesome in "The Media and You", a melt -n- pour class about delicious desserts which was inspirational and lotionmaking with Annemarie from Brambleberry who is just awesome!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My latest readings

I've just finished up the first book in the "Twilight" series, a series of young adult books that involves a family of vampires. I wouldn't normally have chosen this book, I don't keep up with pop culture very well, we don't have cable TV, I've never watched American Idol or Dancing with the Stars and had to quiz our neighbor's daughter about who the heck Hannah Montana was when Claire came home from school singing about her. But a dear friend of mine, an avid reader and movie watcher, recommended it and knowing that someday my daughters would probably read it I sat down with it. Plus, I thought I might watch the movie and thought I'd rather read the book first.

The first part of the book I was honestly thinking "what's the big deal?", but as the story unfolded I did find that I enjoyed it. If I was a teenage girl I would have entirely fallen in love with Edward and I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

I also just finished Janet Evanovich's latest Stephanie Plum novel, "Fearless Fourteen". I've absolutely loved these books, I think the characters, especially Grandma and Lula are laugh out loud hysterical and this book brought in some extra characters that just added to the craziness. This series is light hearted and just plain old entertaining.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sunny California, here I come!

Next week I'm leaving for the annual Handcrafted Soapmaker's Guild conference in Palm Springs, CA. This is three days packed full of eating, sleeping and talking about soap with almost 300 other soapmakers from around the US and Canada. I'll be gone for 10 days, travel time and arriving a few days before the conference as I'm an assistant to the coordinator and will be working at the conference.

If you're a soaper and would love to join us it's not too late! This year's keynote speaker is Erin Brokovich and the conference will be jammed pack with speakers covering topics from soapmaking to small business management. We'll be staying at the Miramonte Spa and Resort, very fancy, with "chilled" pools.

Our store will be closed on Monday, May 11th, Tuesday May 12th and Wednesday May 13th but open the other days in my absence. Internet and mail orders will be accepted while I'm away but will not ship until my return.

My bravest little girl

Thank you to everyone who sent their prayers and well wishes for Lucy this week. Last weekend Lucy suffered her first blown asthma attack and was taken to the ER not once, but twice, and then admitted to the ICU. The doctor told me that she was admitted to the ICU because of her age rather than her situation, however, I think he only told me that to help me keep a grip on my sanity. She did fabulous and was very brave and only really cried when the IV was put in her arm (who wouldn't). After a two night stay we returned home and she is back to terrorizing her sister so I know that she is feeling better. Again, thank you to everyone.