Monday, June 16, 2008

To Color or not to Color?

No, I'm not talking about my coloring my hair, although I probably should be....I always thought I would never color my hair and be proud to be gray or white but that must have been back in the day when I thought 30 was old.

I've been weighing the idea of coloring my soaps. I never have, I would want to stick with natural colors and those options are somewhat limited. It's also an extra material/ingredient that would cost money and would require me to raise my prices a little. But, I have seen some beautiful, colored soaps, so beautiful that they are artistic. They inspire me to want to color and swirl and learn a new process. In the end, I realized that what's been lacking for me lately while working in my basement workshop that I fondly refer to as the "gopher hole", is fun and creativeness in my work.

So, I've come to a compromise with myself - not so hard to do when it's with just yourself I guess - and will work on a separate artistic line that will incorporate some coloring and swirling, maybe some different shaping or layers. I've decided if they're not big sellers then that's ok, sometimes you just have to have play in your work. In all of my free time of course, LOL!

On a different note, the LARAC show in Glens Falls, NY was this past weekend and I want to thank everyone that came out to visit and shop. It was quite hot and humid (as LARAC always seems to be) and it was nice to see everyone.

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