Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We're moving!

I have moved both myself and my business so many times that when we bought our home 4 years ago I said "That's it, never again!" Well, like so many things, I was wrong. Summit Soapworks is about to move to downtown Ludlow, next to Goodman's American Pie, on Main Street.

The move is going to happen in early August and offers so many pros & cons. I'm excited to have a real workshop but somewhat nervous. I'm planning on being open while I'm there, mostly Friday afternoon/evening and all day Saturday when I'm not at a show and Sundays during the winter. Ludlow is home to Okemo Mountain resort, home of great skiing, and so the winter months bring alot of weekend traffic. This space is in a building that was once both a church and then a movie theater so it's an interesting building with hardwood floors and high ceilings. I plan to put production in the back and sales in the front, hopefully with a wall and picture window between both areas so folks can see soapmaking in progress. I'd like to teach some classes and have some friends, herbalists and other crafters, teach some classes/workshops as well.

I'm excited to move out of my basement workshop or my "cave" as I call it. It seems that the days I have to be down there are the days that it is the nicest weather outside.....And our family is growing, (man these kids accumulate alot of stuff!), and the rest of our house is shrinking so it's time to move out.

Lots of changes and lots of work but in the end I hope it will give me more space to be creative or at least more organized!

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