Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer Vacation & the Shop's Progress

We've just returned from our abbreviated summer vacation on Peddock's Island in Massachusetts. My in-laws have a cottage there and it's a 10 minute boat ride from where we met them in Quincy. The high mosquito count confined us indoors quite a bit but since our children are still small they are easily occupied and "mosquito hunter" was a popular game. Lucy was cutting yet another two teeth so was quite grumpy and Claire and I both had a 24 hour virus but overall we had fun. Our hosts put up with all of our chaos and fed us great meals to boot! Claire got to, I guess the right word is "pilot" the boat and so has been dubbed "Captain Claire". The island faces Boston which is of course very different from our view of the woods so looking at the city horizon and watching the planes in and out of Logan Airport was also a great and new experience for us. Admittedly, while I love to travel and see new places I am always eager to get home.

The store is progressing fantastically and quickly. I've finished painting (I would never hire myself to do that job!) and all soapmaking equipment has been moved down, hooked up and installed. I'll make soap for the first time there this Wednesday. I was open this weekend for Ludlow's Zucchini Festival and although everything is still quite bare bones many new faces stopped by to welcome and encourage me. I'm located next door to my best friends' pizza shop and so, while not good for the waistline, is great for my spirit as the Goodman clan are some of the most generous, helpful and positive people that walk the earth.

I'll be preparing for Vermont's Garlic Festival in Bennington on Labor Day weekend this week so will be busy brewing up lotions and potions!

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