Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Women Business Owners & Girl Power Soaps

I was just interviewed this morning by the largest newspaper in Vermont, the Rutland Herald, who are (is? - good thing I'm not writing the article) writing an article about Women Business Owners in our Okemo Valley. They were talking to over 40 women today and when I first heard that number I went "Wow", we have come a long way baby! Yah, Girl Power!

This started my brain rolling, and thinking about how much I love having my girls at the shop with me (well most of the time) and how fortunate I am that they can come to work with me. And this led to my latest brainstorm about bath & body products for little girls and at first I thought "Little Diva's" and then went, wait, no, it needs to be something with more kick so it'll be "Girl Power" soaps! So I'll be rolling out a line of fun girlie soaps this summer.

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